Rumer Willis: I know Im not a conventional beauty

Bruce Willis and Demi Moore’s oldest daughter Rumer Willis, 19, has a great body but she’s often made fun of for her facial features, which – to put it lightly – are prominent. JayBird mentioned everyone’s proclivity to pick on Rumer’s appearance when she covered a story about Rumer’s potential hookup with Josh Hartnett in February. She said “I try not to make fun of Rumer Willis too much, because everyone does it, and she can only help how she looks so much. She’s the spitting image of her father, and that face shape works a little better on a man than a woman. There’s nothing she can do about her jaw, it is what it is.”

Rumer knows she’s not a cookie cutter beauty, but she says she’s happy with herself and “that’s all that matters.” She shared her thoughts on beauty with In Touch and she sounds mature and level-headed about it:

“There’s so much pressure to look a certain way, and I don’t fit the convention. But it’s okay if you’re not the perfect picture…

“Everyone can feel out of place, but it’s not about whether you’re popular or nerdy. As long as you’re comfortable with yourself, and your friends and family love you, that’s all that matters…

“I’m really fortunate and wouldn’t be the same person if my parents hadn’t worked [out their divorce amicably] and if Ashton hadn’t been so wonderful.”

[From In Touch, print edition, July 21, 2008]

You can’t fault the girl for that and she doesn’t even mention the nastiness some of us online, including us, have lobbed at her square jaw. She’s like “whatever, I’m happy.” She has also removed her really bad-looking hair extensions and that helps a lot. She’s richer than we’ll probably ever be and she’s working what she has. Life is good for Rumer, egg-shaped head or not.

Compare Rumer’s statements saying she’s happy and content not being a standard beauty with Katie Holmes saying she’s always going to battle her thighs. One of them is more traditionally “pretty,” but the other sounds more content with herself and not so worried about what other people think.

Rumer is shown on 6/17/08 at the Chrystal and Lucy Awards. Credit: WENN/Fayes Vision. She is also shown on 6/12/08 at a boutique opening. Credit: Kavi/WENN.
