Chicago Fire Fall Finale Recap Louies Adoption Ruined: Season 5 Episode 8 One Hundred

Chicago Fire Fall Finale Recap - Louie's Adoption Ruined: Season 5 Episode 8 "One Hundred"

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all new Tuesday, December 6, season 5 episode 8 called, “One Hundred” and we have your Chicago Fire weekly recap below. On tonight’s Chicago Fire episode as per the NBC synopsis, “Casey and Dawson (Monica Raymund) face a hurdle in their quest to adopt Louie; Severide (Taylor Kinney) receives an interesting proposal from a firefighter-turned-medical student; and Otis (Yuri Sardarov) convinces Herrmann (David Eigenberg) to throw a bash in honor of v’s 100th anniversary.”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire  season 5 episode 8 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.  So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10PM – 11PM for our Chicago Fire recap. While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Chicago Fire recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Chicago Fire begins with Lt. Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney) is rejected by a woman he was trying to hook up with, and when he told her he was a firefighter, she told him he was lame for using such a noble profession to get women into bed. Lt. Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) and Gabi Dawson (Monica Raymund) are discussing how much of a hypocrite her father is to be divorcing her mother after 40 years of marriage.

Gabi is upset that her father could stand in front of a church and profess his undying love for his wife on Mother’s Day, and that he was very committed to her. Gabi then begins to question whether any relationship can last since theirs didn’t. Louie walks in and Casey stops her from saying anything more.

Gabi offers to get his cereal for breakfast, and Casey tells the little guy they will be there in a minute. Louie says, “Okay, Matt!” This startles Casey, but Gabi asks what is he supposed to call him?
Casey tells Gabi that whatever happened between her parents isn’t going to affect them. As Casey is giving Louie his breakfast he notices an African American man watching them from outside.

At the firehouse, Christopher Herrmann (David Eigenberg), Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) and Brian “Otis” Zvonecek (Yuri Sardarov) are discussing the lack of customers at Molly’s, and are not sure what they can do. As Herrmann hands the books over to Otis to review, the alarms go off and everyone goes.

They meet with a man who says he heard a BOOM from the side of a house. Severide orders the gas to be shut off and bangs on the door. The resident opens the door saying the only problem is his fridge. Severide tells him how stupid he is for using butane to extract hash oil indoors. The guy says he has a prescription but Severide tells him that doesn’t give him the right to turn his fridge into a bomb, as he approaches the fridge, Capp (Randy Flagler) tells him to get down and the fridge explodes.

Severide has some burns on his neck, but the guy was knocked unconscious in the explosion. As they are putting Sam into the ambulance, his parents arrive running towards them. Initially Gabi tells them that he bumped his head, when the father asks what the smell is, Gabi tells him he was cooking hash. His mother asks if it was hashbrowns and the father says no, he was cooking drugs! Gabi asks if one of them wants to ride with them, the father says he wants to because if Sam comes to, he is going to beat his ass.

As the ambulance leaves, Severide looks in the mirror and winces in pain. In the ambulance Sam’s father explains that as a parent you never stop worrying about your kids, and tells Gabi a story about the time when Sam fell off the slide as a child. Gabi nods and says she is a new mom herself. He tells her parenthood is a roller coaster.

Otis is reviewing all the books for Molly’s and finds out that before it was Molly’s it was a pub, that opened in 1916. Herrmann doesn’t seem interested, but Otis tells him that its the 100 Anniversary of the bar. Everyone says its a great idea to throw a Centennial party, Casey says he will make a call to have the event advertised.

Back at the firehouse, Severide is inspecting his burns again, that are now welts. Capp sees the wounds and tells him he should get checked out. Severide tells him to worry about himself. Severide wraps up the burns and plops down in Casey’s office, asking himself what he is doing there. Casey asks what he is talking about and Severide says what is the purpose? Severide explains that he spent the night with this woman but when he couldn’t remember her name, he went into her purse to see if he could find her driver’s license, and she caught him thinking he was ripping her off and she left. Casey jokes and asks him what her name was; Severide admits he never found out. They laugh but Severide gets serious again and asks him what is he doing?

Severide tells Casey that when he got blasted by the firebomb, he felt nothing. Casey looks at him and suggests they go on a guy’s fishing trip, to get away, to get out of Chicago and recharge their batteries. Severide says he can get behind that idea. They are interrupted when Gabi tells Casey Tina from DCFS is there and he leaves with her.

Tina shares the news that if they want to adopt Louie, they can fast-track it. She gives Gabi the paperwork but tells her the courts will view her as a single parent. Gabi asks her even if her and Casey are living together? Tina tells her yes, but both Casey and Gabi are excited.

Alarms go off and Casey tells her they will talk after. Gabi and Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) arrive on scene to find a bat lying on the ground and a man lying face down on the grass. When they roll him over, he has a clown face and Brett freaks out and runs away. Chicago PD arrive and the man has a big gash on his head, but doesn’t remember what happened.

When asked his name, he says its Bo. When the two women across the street are questioned, they tell the police they have no idea what happened. “Bo” says he thinks he was ambushed, Brett tells him to not talk. He turns to her and says, “Boo!” and she jumps; Gabi can’t help but laugh.

Back at the firehouse, Chief Boden (Eamonn Walker) walks up to the table some of the truck crew are at playing cards, and he orders Severide to show him his neck. Boden won’t reveal who told him, but he tells Severide to go to Chicago Med right now and tells Capp he is acting Lieutenant. Severide tells Capp to stop playing the game and wash the rig while he is gone.

When the ambulance returns, everyone is making fun of Brett and her fear of clowns. Herrmann tells Gabi that Casey is looking for her. As the joking continues, Otis receives news that they are going to have a reporter to cover the Centennial party at Molly’s. Herrmann is worried about what it is going to cost them.

Gabi is reviewing the paperwork in Casey’s office. As she is reading them, Casey says he doesn’t want to be “Mom and Matt” to Louie, he wants them to be “Mom and Dad”. Gabi kisses him and tells him she wants that more than anything in the world. Casey tells her he knows a judge in the family court system who he can speak to about co-adoption. Gabi says its a great idea.

Casey is walking down the hall of the firehouse and sees the same man standing outside watching him. Casey goes to confront him, but the man takes off in his car. Boden comes out and asks what that was all about, and tells him about the man being outside his house yesterday too.

Severide is at Chicago Med, where Med Student Jeff Clarke (Jeff Hephner) is attending to his burns. Severide says he never knew when Clarke was at Firehouse 51 that he wanted to be a doctor. Clarke asks him if he is willing to do a blood test for bone marrow, but Severide tells him he is about to go on furlough, so maybe in a couple months.

Casey meets with the judge, and he admits that the only thing the court will look at is that they are two single parents who have been living under the same roof for a short period of time; and the courts may not approve the adoption.

Two sexy women walk into Molly’s, and as they flirt with the firefighters, they ask Severide if he wants to go with them, he turns them down to hang with the guys. The reporter shows up, and wants to get a quote from Otis for her article, but it has nothing to do with the bar; she wants to know his views on gun violence in Chicago.

When there is no comment, she says why would they be celebrating such a bloody history, including Al Capone. Herrmann learns about the massacre that happened in the pub years earlier, he rants that the place is cursed; especially after he finds out they have put over 5 Grand into the party already.

Casey comes home and Gabi wants to know what happened. Brett offers to leave, but Gabi asks her to stay. Casey informs her that co-adoption is not going to happen. He tells Gabi to be the adopter alone, and he will be Louie’s dad in every sense of the word, no matter what he calls him. He says the most important thing is that Louie’s place there is permanent, Brett agrees.

Casey checks on Louie, who is still awake. He goes in his bedroom and offers to read him a book, Louie agrees. Casey tells Louie how much he loves him, and that he means the world to him. He continues to tell him that it is important for Louie to know that no matter what anyone says or may call Casey, he will always be his dad, that word means everything.

Casey holds Gabi’s hand as they wait to meet with Tina at DCFS. She comes out to get the paperwork but is disturbed that Gabi is filing as a single parent. Tina tells them she wishes she could have them as a couple and Casey tells her they are as stable as any other couple. She promises to try.

Herrmann comes into the firehouse lunchroom reading the article, and how bad it is that they are celebrating such bad history. Herrmann orders Stella and Otis cancel the party even though its the next day. He says lock the doors, and save whatever money they have left to keep the lights on in the bar.

Clarke comes to see Severide and talks to him about the bone marrow donation, and that they have a leukemia patient who needs a genetic match. Clarke says the girl is from the same region of Norway Severide’s family came from. Severide says he will do it when he gets back, but Clarke tells him they don’t have that kind of time. Clarke leaves it up to Severide, and leaves.

Herrmann orders Otis and Stella what to do, Otis to remove signs and Stella to cancel all the order she has placed. Before he can continue his rant, they are all called out when the alarms go off. They arrive at a car fire and a series of crashes. In the one vehicle the driver is unconscious and not breathing, there is a woman laying on the road, her leg all twisted and there is a man whose head is stuck through the windshield.

Severide orders Capp to stabilize the man’s head in the van, while Gabi and Herrmann attend to the woman lying on the road. Severide tells Tony when he gets the door off to remove the glass. The man tells Severide to help Keith, they open the back of the van and find another victim. Severide tells him to not worry about Keith who is unconscious but has a pulse. Boden is asked to assist.

They all work together to get the shelving in the back of the van off Keith. Gabi and Brett shift the woman’s broken leg to stabilize it, as she screams in pain. In the background, another crew frees the two people in the car, and now they can focus on the man’s head in the windshield. They cover his head with a coat and cut the side of the windshield to release him.

As Severide loads him on the gurney, he asks again about Keith, saying Keith is his brother. Severide reassures him that they have him and Keith is probably more worried about him. He thanks Severide and Casey orders everyone, to clear the glass and debris. Herrmann gets a message from his wife who tells him they need to get to Molly’s ASAP. He asks if once they clean up the mess they can take the rigs to Molly’s and some of the firefighters can get them back to the firehouse from there.

As the rigs arrive at Molly’s, there are tons of people outside. Herrmann thinks they are protesters but they learn all these people are there to celebrate. Cindy shows the bus, and Herrmann is excited to learn that Molly’s is now part of the Crime Tour. Casey and Gabi pick up Louie outside of Molly’s, and as Casey picks him up, Louie calls him “Daddy”. Casey and Gabi are thrilled.

Detective Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) takes time off from work to be at Molly’s with Brett. Herrmann gives a speech, and says the building was built on Chicago soil, and the original soil was rough and bloody, but full of grit; but Molly’s foundation is built on love and family. Casey and Gabi kiss, but they have this intense look on their faces, both nod as every one cheers Herrmann’s speech.

Gabi and Casey take Louie with them to the courthouse, and when asked if they have witnesses, the whole firehouse arrives, and they get married in their firefighter and ambulance uniforms. They are pronounced husband and wife and everyone cheers. Herrmann then interrupts them and asks if they can bring this back to Molly’s.

Severide walks into Chicago Med and Clarke brings him to see the patient. Severide tells him he played dirty; Clarke admits that he always had. Clarke tells him if he does do the bone marrow donation, it hurts like hell and he will feel it for months. Severide says GOOD!

Casey and Gabi walk home with Louie, and Casey asks if he should carry her over the threshold, she tells him not to even think about it. As Casey looks for his keys, the man is at their front yard; Casey yells at him asking him what he wants. He informs them that he is Louie’s father and he wants him back. Gabi tightens her hold on Louie and looks at him in shock.

