The Vampire Diaries Recap Elena Takes The Cure: Season 6 Episode 20 Id Leave My Happy Home

The Vampire Diaries Recap - Elena Takes The Cure: Season 6 Episode 20 "I'd Leave My Happy Home for You"

Tonight on the CW The Vampire Diaries starring Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley continues with an all new Thursday April 30, season 6 episode 20 called “I’d Leave My Happy Home for You,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Alaric and Jo reluctantly participate in their bachelor and bachelorette parties. Meanwhile, Elena [Nina Dobrev] turns to Bonnie [Kat Graham] and Jo for advice over Damon’s [Ian Somerhalder] impulsive offer; Enzo [Michael Malarkey] asks Stefan [Paul Wesley] to help Lily who is on a dangerous downward spiral; and Matt gets fed up with the supernatural threats that plague the town and takes his frustration out on Tyler.

On the last episode, wrestling with whether or not to tell Elena (Nina Dobrev) about the cure, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) brought up their future together and what life would be like if they weren’t vampires. Meanwhile, it was all hands on deck when attempted to stop a humanity-free Caroline (Candice Accola) didn’t go as planned. Elsewhere, when Bonnie (Kat Graham) discovered that Damon had betrayed her trust, she took matters into her own hands, setting off a chain of events that left Damon dealing with the fallout. Lastly, after being forced to face his traumatic past, Enzo (Michael Malarkey) setted out for answers and was surprised when he learned the truth about the day he was turned into a vampire. Paul Wesley, Zach Roerig and Matt Davis also star. Geoff Shotz directed the episode written by Melinda Hsu Taylor. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we recapped it all right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CW Vampire Diaries spoilers synopsis, “as Alaric (Matt Davis) and Jo (guest star Jodi Lyn O’Keefe) reluctantly participate in their bachelor and bachelorette parties, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) discuss the ramifications from an impulsive offer that Damon makes. Unsure of what to do, Elena turns to Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Jo for advice, but is left conflicted when Bonnie raises some unanticipated concerns. When Enzo (Michael Malarkey) realizes Lily (guest star Annie Wersching) is on a dangerous downward spiral, he asks Stefan (Paul Wesley) to help intervene before it’s too late. Lastly, fed up with the supernatural threats that plague their town, Matt (Zach Roerig) takes his frustrations out on Tyler (Michael Trevino), while Alaric considers a life-changing piece of advice. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Brett Matthews & Rebecca Sonnenshine.”

You’re not going to want to miss any of the action tonight, so tune in at 8PM EST to the CW to catch the latest. We’ll be live recapping the season 6 episode 20 for you right here and in the meantime, hit up our comments section and tell us your thoughts on this new season!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#VampireDiaries begins with Alaric at his desk grading papers. Jo calls and she says it’s her last night as a single woman. She says she can’t wait to be married and Ric concurs. They end the call and he hears a creaking footstep outside his classroom and goes to check. His head is bagged and he’s grabbed from behind. Meanwhile, a cop shows up to the hospital and turns up to ask to talk to Jo privately. Then he pulls off his shirt and starts dancing. Elena is there with Bonnie and they turn on the boom box.

Ric is taken to the Grill by Damon, Matt and Stefan for his bachelor blow out. The ladies party is a bit more tame – after the stripper they have subs and milkshakes since Jo is preggers. She wonders what Ric is doing and if his party is wilder than hers. Bonnie asks Elena about the cure and says Damon called to tell her that he was going to take the cure too. She says he called her after Elena bailed on him. Elena admits it freaked her out and says it’s all very complicated right now.

Jo comes back with more food. Damon tells Ric that he offered to take the cure with her. He says Elena can take it then he can drink her blood and also turn humor. Ric asks if he really wants to be human and Damon says he wants to be with Elena. He asks if he told Stefan. Damon says he will eventually. They toast to Ric’s impending nuptials. Tyler shows up late and Matt says he doesn’t blame him since they were almost killed last time. Tyler’s concerned that Matt is chugging booze with pain meds.

Enzo shows up and Matt isn’t happy to see him. Enzo asks where Stefan is and Matt says he doesn’t know or care. Stefan tries to call Caroline but gets voice mail again. He says he’s at Ric’s bachelor party at their house and tells her he’s been ducking his mother. He asks her to call back soon and says they’re both engaged in avoidance but he has problems to talk about. He says she should be there and asks her to come home. Enzo is there and says that was adorable. Stefan asks why he’s there.

Enzo says he’s there on behalf of his mother. He says her Ascendant was destroyed and she needs him. Stefan asks what Enzo knows about his mother. Lily is at the Grill getting a little Ripper hungry. She follows a guy out of the bar and vamps out. Stefan steps in front of her and blocks her. He says the need to have a talk. Lily says she was just getting fresh air and he asks if she has a junky tick and says he gets the same way. She asks if he’s trying to bond with him. He says he knows she was lying to him.

Stefan says Enzo told him she went off the deep end. She says it was a one-time thing. Stefan thanks her for the ripper gene and says they should talk. He tells her how he salivates at the back of his mouth and his veins itch when the hunger starts to consume him. He says the world around falls apart and all he can hear is the pulsing of blood and how it belongs to him. He slaps his hand onto hers and says she must not have that problem.

Matt digs out some priceless liquor and Tyler asks if he’s drinking himself to death. Tyler offers to drive him home and Matt asks about the deputy training program. He says Taylor stopped calling him Cupcake finally. Matt says he knows Tyler kicked Taylor’s ass and can’t control his rage. Tyler says he may have to shoot someone in the line of duty and that would trigger his werewolf curse and he doesn’t want that. Matt provokes him and says he needs to control it.

Stefan calls Damon and tells him that their mom is Enzo’s sire. Stefan also says she’s a Ripper. Damon says to lock her ass up and Stefan says he will if it comes to it. Damon doesn’t mention him anything else and says – love to mom – with some snark. Enzo tells Damon he should have told Stefan he’s hanging up his fangs in exchange for khakis. Enzo says he pulled that out of Alaric’s drunk head. Damon calls Enzo his brother from the same mother and asks when he was going to tell him.

Enzo tells Damon he’ll never go through with giving up his fangs. He says he’s too selfish and knows because he left him to burn while Damon saved his own skin. He says even Elena can’t change Damon’s basic nature. Jo asks Elena how she walked away from Damon making the equivalent of a vampire marriage proposal. Jo says she can’t find a wedding gown, can’t stop eating and can’t get her sister to call back about being her maid of honor.

Elena says she might miss the vampire perks, might get sick or might find out she doesn’t love Damon as a human. Jo says she’s an ex-witch marrying an ex-vampire and says it’s great. Damon calls Elena as he spies on her from the clock tower. She asks why he’s up there and he says he asked a girl a big question last night and she left him hanging. She says that girl must be a flake and he says maybe she’s just soul searching.

Stefan tries to teach his mom how to divert the Ripper issue by boozing. He says it’s this or squirrel and rabbit blood. She says her friends are gone and she needs to grieve. He tells her she’s lucky Damon hasn’t locked her in a cell yet. She asks if this is a Ripper to Ripper talk and he says he’s reformed and thinks their relationship is worth saving. Stefan says she got him to flip his humanity back on and says deep down, she must still feel something for him.

She says his father was a cheating abuser and then a new, powerful Lily was born and found a new family. Lily says she loves Stefan but he reminds her of the pathetic woman she once was when she just wants to forget she ever existed. Stefan says they should start over and says they can start over. He pulls out a syringe under the table. He says to trust him. She says he could never look her in the eye when he was lying. She stabs him in the hand, he drops the syringe and she attacks a waitress.

She tells him – sorry about the mess – then takes off. Damon and Elena sit on the clock tower and chat. She asks if he’d really take the cure with her or he was just afraid to lose her. He says it was a bit of both. Elena says Damon loves being a vampire and says she doesn’t want him resenting her. He says he’s sexy when he’s resentful. Elena asks if he’s ready to give all this up. He stands and holds his hand out to her. Damon says he has something to show her and they step off the tower together.

Matt is still boozing when Ric finds him and says it’s poor form to drink a $1000 bottle of bourbon alone. Matt tells Ric he has 30 stitches in his side and all his friends are killers except Ric. He tells Ric he’s a dick for bringing a kid into this. He tells him that he and Jo should get away now before it’s too late. Stefan compels the people to clean up his mom’s mess. Enzo shows up and says it was a great family reunion. Stefan and Enzo are stuck since Damon isn’t answering calls.

Enzo says they should get used to it and Stefan asks what he means. Enzo says Damon has the cure and is planning on taking it with Elena. Stefan says he would know if that was true and Enzo says not. He says they can debate it or split up and find Lily before she rips more heads off. Bonnie tells Jo that Damon hijacked Elena and so the party is off. Lily shows up then and says she was out for a walk and saw Bonnie. Jo asks who this is and she says she’s the Salvatore mom.

Lily is furious that Bonnie destroyed the Ascendant. Bonnie says even if there was another way to help she wouldn’t. Lily comes at her and Bonnie slaps her with some magic and says to get out. Lily lunges too fast for Bonnie to stop her and slashes at her neck. She then goes for Jo who begs her to stop because she’s pregnant. Lily stops, says it’s twins and wishes her luck then zooms off. Jo runs to help Bonnie. Damon asks what Elena’s favorite vampire thing is and she says healing people.

Damon says he loves everything – the speed, the feed and looking eternally great in a black leather jacket. Then he says he likes getting into people’s heads. He magics her mind back to her old house which is now in ashes. He says he kissed her there for the first time but Ric scrubbed it from her brain. Elena says this isn’t real and is a fantasy that he put in her brain. He says that’s the point. He says he’s had enough fantasy for now and would give it all up for her.

Elena says she wants the cure no matter how scary it is. Damon says he knows she’s wanted it since the day she became a vampire. He says he’s madly in love with her forever and taking the cure won’t change it. He says he can handle reality if she can. She hast he cure in her hand and tells him she loves him. He says – til death do us part. He tells her bottoms up and she drinks it. Damon asks how she feels and she starts to collapse. She gets memories back of them courting.

Damon carries her home and says she’ll be all right. He stops outside the Grill as she comes to. He says she scared the crap out of him. She says she saw their first date – she’s getting back all her memories that Ric had suppressed. She smiles and says the cure undid the compulsion. He says it worked and she pricks her finger and says it’s not healing. She’s thrilled. He asks how she feels and she says she wants to kiss him. Then she does. His phone rings – it’s Stefan.

Stefan says he and Elena are having a moment. Stefan tells Damon not to take the cure. He says Lily I son the loose and it’s a bad time to be human. Then Lily is there and snaps Damon’s neck. She tells Elena that she kept this person at bay for so long but her sons did this to her. Lily sees that Elena is bleeding and says she took the cure. Lily says she’s human. Elena says she doesn’t want to feed on her. She goes to bite her and Elena smacks her in the head with something then runs.

Elena runs into the Grill but is hit with more memories of Damon that take her down. She goes into the kitchen and tries to block the door but she’s not strong. Lily pulls the object out of her eye and comes for her. Lily heads into the Grill and Elena is struggling because of the flood of memories. Lily hears her and busts her way into the kitchen. She looks around and can’t find her. Jo tells Bonnie it’s okay. She tells her to leave the object in her neck that Lily stabbed her with.

Jo thanks Bonnie for destroying the Ascendant. She says twins means that Kai will want to kill her. Elena calls Stefan and says she got out through the tunnels. Stefan finds Damon who’s coming back to life. Stefan calls him a dick for not telling him and letting him hear from Enzo that he’s turning human. Damon says he knows and says they need to find their mom. Lily is crying and staggering in the Grill. She tells Stefan he did this to her and says she’s a mess.

Lily says she’s alone and terrified of falling off the edge. She says that makes her like Stefan – sad and alone. She cries and grabs a chunk of wood then aims it at her chest. Stefan begs her to stay alive for them. She says he always had such pretty eyes. She goes to stake him instead but Damon is behind her and stabs the syringe into her neck to knock her out. He asks if Stefan is okay. Ric meets Jo at the hospital and she hugs him and tells him it’s not her blood.

He says Bonnie is fine and Damon gave her some blood. Jo tells him it’s twins and shows him an ultrasound. He says the more the merrier but Jo says even if Kai never escapes, her family will try to take the babies to force a Gemini twin merge to strip Kai of his power. He says after they get married, they’re going to run away together. She says she can’t ask him to give up his life. He says she and their babies are his life and he’ll keep them safe.

Damon finds Elena at the house and says Bonnie and Jo are okay and Lily is laid out for a nap. Elena says she remembers it all now – how they met, how she fell for him and didn’t want to. She says she remembers every kiss and conversation. She says they talked about the cure on the island and he says that was different. Back then, she begged him to take the cure with him. He said he can’t think of anything more miserable than being a human.

Now, Elena says Damon would be miserable and asks what Stefan would think. Elena says she loves him and isn’t trying to hurt him but can’t let him do this until he lets everyone in his life try to talk him out of it including himself. He pulls his hand away from her and she walks off. Lily calls out from her call – Enzo is there. He says he wanted to make sure she’s okay. She asks him to let her out. Stefan says that won’t happen and tells Enzo he can take it from here.

Enzo says she’s fragile and should be around someone she can trust. Enzo gives in and says he’ll come visit but says it’s a family matter now. Stefan looks at her and she turns away. Stefan says she asked what it would be like to have something he cherished for 150 years ripped away. He says he’d be devastated. He says she’ll be his mother for the next century and the one after that. He says one day, she’ll see him as her son again. Lily looks at him and says he has no idea what devastation feels like.

She says he will when she figures out how to get her people back. She says she will, no matter what it takes. Kai makes cornbread – we can see he’s got vamp bites on his neck. He makes dinner and sets the table then goes outside and rings the dinner bell. He says come and get it. He says it’s a big breakfast for a big day. He woke the Gemini hybrids! He says it’s time to get the hell out of this place and laughs wickedly.


