Sarah Jessica Parker freaking out over her hands, considers getting work done

Sarah Jessica Parker is 48 years old. Does that startle you? If you were a Sex & the City fan, it probably does. For SATC, Sarah Jessica is the perpetual girlish 30-something, wearing tutus and visible bras with evening gowns. But she’s 48 now, and I have some doubts about how naturally she’s aging. Like, if I’m just going by what she says in interviews, I’d say she’s not very superficial, and that she’s not doing much to herself. But her appearances over the past year seem to indicate (to me at least) that SJP is hitting the Botox and fillers. She’s not completely frozen, but there’s some Kidman happening there.

But here’s something I rarely consider: should Sarah Jessica (or anyone, for that matter) be concerned about how her hands look? I’m including some shots where you can really see her hands… I mean, she’s not a hand model or anything, but what can you really do about it? According to Star Magazine’s expert, there are some options.

Sarah Jessica Parker “didn’t realize how bad her hands were until a friend pointed them out,” states an insider. “She’s been freaking out ever since and looking into procedures to make them look younger and less veiny. She even stopped having her nails done so less attention would be drawn to her hands.”

Plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn tells Star that Sarah Jessica’s hands do look old for her age (she’s 48).

“As we get older, our hands thin, causing the veins to bulge and become very visible,” explains the doc, adding that while a hand-lift doesn’t yet exist, SJP’s best option is in a syringe.

“Fat injections or fillers like Sculptra and Juvederm can smooth them out,” he suggest. “Or laser treatments like IPL are great.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Seriously, you can get FAT INJECTED into your hands?!!? Why would you even want to? And if you did, wouldn’t you have to worry about the dreaded hand cellulite? Would your hands look lumpy? Will someone whisper, “Oh, look at Sarah Jessica… I heard she got finger implants to make her hands look plumper”? As for the fillers… again, we’re talking about your hands!! And I wouldn’t want lasers anywhere near my hands. But I guess if Brandi Glanville is doing it, SJP could too? To her credit, I really just don’t believe that SJP is THIS vain.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.
