Betty White fantasizes about Robert Redford, wont make jokes about pot smoking

This week’s Star Magazine has a really nice interview with America’s octogenarian darling, Betty White. As we heard last week, Betty White recently landed a two book deal through which she’ll write her memoirs. She also has a flourishing career with roles on Hot in Cleveland, Community and the upcoming comedy film You Again, also starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Kristen Bell. In Star Betty says that she refuses to joke about pot smoking, (which she calls “dope”!) and that she has a crush on 74 year-old Robert Redford. I love Betty and it’s so nice to hear more from her. Here’s her interview in Star:

Congrats about winning the Emmy for your Saturday Night Live appearance. I’m thrilled. I was asked to host years ago and said, “Thank you, but no thank you.” I was afraid I’d feel like a fish out of water. But this time, there was a campaign on Facebook from the fans, which really touched my heart. I decided to just make it fun and not ignore that at my age it was amazing to be asked. My biggest fear was that the print wouldn’t be big enough on the cue cards!

How does it feel to have so many new fans? Fifteen-year-olds tell me, “Betty, you really rock,” and I’ll respond, “How do you even know me? You weren’t even born when I was on my shows!”

What’s your role in You Again?
It’s an amazing and funny comedy. I’m the one who sets everyone straight.

Do you have any rules of comedy?
I don’t do dope jokes. I don’t think dope’s funny or fun. My characters won’t smoke.

Are you surprised how popular you’ve become recently?
I can’t get over what’s going on with my life and career, I’m an old broad! All I can do is roll with the punches, enjoy it and be grateful for it.

After your husband, Allen Ludden, passed away in 1981, why did you never remarry?
Why marry again when you had the best? I had a marriage where we enjoyed our lives together and made each other laugh every single day.

Do you have any celebrity crushes?
The hottest man in Hollywood remains Robert Redford. I’ve never met the man, but I just enjoy fantasizing about him completely!

[From Star Magazine, print edition, September 6, 2010]

That’s sweet what she said about her husband and I love that she calls Robert Redford hot! I’m sure he’d love to meet her. Someone should arrange that for them. Robert Redford just married his girlfriend, but I think he would be flattered and would at least have dinner with her.

Betty also penned an article for The Hollywood Reporter on her first Emmy win back in 1952. She writes that back then “There were no photographers and no red carpet. You just got out of your car and walked into the dinner.” She was up against Zsa Zsa Gabor, and Zsa Zsa was expected to win and even pushed out her chair to get up before everyone was shocked when Betty’s name was announced instead. Betty has since won five more primetime Emmys and a daytime Emmy. She writes that “you never get used to it. I got nominated again this year for outstanding guest star for “Saturday Night Live” and I’m thrilled! My friend Tina Fey is nominated in my category too and she sent me this big bouquet of roses and tulips and a card.

‘Dear Betty,’ it said, ‘Congratulations on your nomination. Please try to mention my name in your acceptance speech.‘”

Everybody loves Betty.

Photos of Betty are from 6/14 and 5/4/10. Robert Redford is shown on 4/20/09. Credit:



