Gabriel Aubry is pissed at Halle Berry, might challenge Nahlas custody


It’s only been a few days since we learned about Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry’s breakup. It was last Friday, to be exact – that’s when Radar became the first outlet to report that Halle and Gabriel had already split, and had already worked out their financial, property and custodial issues. It all seemed so mature and adult, I was proud of both of them, even though the Radar report had a nasty little aside about Gabriel thinking Halle was too old, and wanting to be with other, younger women. It took less than a day for everything “adult” and “mature” to fall apart.

Friday night, Halle stepped out with a new man, even holding the dude’s hand in public. On Saturday, Gabriel released a statement where he basically claimed that yes, they had broken up, but no, it wasn’t because he wanted to bone younger chicks. The same day, Halle appeared at the Walk/Run for the Cure, and was photographed with another dude, Trey Songz. Sunday came along and “a source close to Halle” told People Magazine that Halle kicked Gabriel out because he was a deadbeat and because she wanted to get some new pieces. Then, on Monday afternoon/evening, Radar reported that Gabriel is totally pissed at the way he’s come out of this, and he’s so pissed he might even go to court to get a new custody agreement for Nahla. Yikes:

Halle Berry’s baby daddy, Canadian model Gabriel Aubry, is unhappy at the media furor that is surrounding his beautiful daughter, Nahla, following her parents’ high profile breakup.

In fact, has learned exclusively that Aubry is so unhappy that he is even considering lawyering up and launching a custody battle, with the sole aim of taking his precious 2-year-old to Canada to live away from the Hollywood spotlight.

As was the first to report, Halle and Gabriel split a few months back and have, so far, managed to keep things reasonably amicable. The two hashed out a property and custody agreement with Gabriel taking ownership of their house in Canada and sharing custody of their daughter 50/50. But, Aubrey has been concerned with the media attention that has been stirred since the news of their breakup became public,and is worried how it will affect their daughter and her future wellbeing.

In addition, has learned that he is also unhappy with the stories he believes are being generated from Halle’s camp, where he has been painted as a man unable to support his child, and as someone that was unable to “pull their weight” in the relationship – something, a source close to the situation tells, is far from the truth.

“Gabriel has always been there 100% for his daughter, he would do absolutely anything for her. He may not earn what Halle does but he still makes a great living as a model, pulling in around $700,000 a year.”

“Until the news of their split broke things were OK between him and Halle, but now he believes Halle’s team are putting all these stories out there that are just not true. Gabriel is not happy at how he is being portrayed, as some kind of dead beat dad that was living off of Halle and her celebrity. It couldn’t be any further from the truth.”

“Gabriel is currently weighing up his options, and is seriously considering challenging the custody agreement that he has with Halle, splitting the care giving of Nahla 50/50. Gabriel is concerned about the craziness surrounding their breakup and he’s concerned about the effect it is having on Nahla. He’s also concerned that he’s being bad mouthed by Halle’s people, when he’s done nothing to deserve that. If things don’t calm down soon, Gabriel is going to really consider his options, and one of those is to fight to take Nahla to Canada to live with him as the primary care giver.”

“He loves that little girl more than anything, and he will fight tooth and nail to give her a decent, balanced, normal life away from the craziness of Hollywood.”

[From Radar]

Over the weekend, CB and I were debating who was coming out ahead in the breakup war. CB thought the People Magazine article – which was so obviously influenced by Team Halle – actually made Halle seem petty and immature. I agree, although my first thought was more generous towards Halle – it seemed like she was trying to make herself look bad to make Gabriel look better. Unfortunately, I don’t think that was her goal. Perhaps she really is that petty. But now I’m starting to wonder if Gabriel is too, what with all of his whining – pardon me, “a source’s whining” – to Radar and Access Hollywood. I really hope these two figure out something better, because right now I’m not siding with either of them. Bitches.

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Halle, Gabriel & Nahla on July 8, 2009. Credit:
