Kristen Stewart worries social media will lead to someone finding her & killing her

Kristen Stewart and her team are probably trying to figure out their next move after Robert Pattinson kind of blew up the angle they were working on for a month. Kristen, her team, and Summit were telling everybody (everybody who would listen) that Kristen and Robert Pattinson were back together and that everything was rosy and of course he had no problems taking her back and promoting the last Twilight film with her and OMFG ROBSTEN IS UNBROKEN. That is, until Rob was photographed looking canoodle-y with some mystery blonde in NYC. Then everybody was like, “Huh, he’s still acting single. Weird. Maybe Kristen and her team are lying liars who are made of lies.”

The question, in my mind, is what will happen to Kristen if Rob does not take her back (or if he hasn’t already, because I honestly don’t even know). I’ve said before that I will be very disappointed in him if he gets back with Kristen and acts like she wasn’t getting Mini Cooper’d by her married director. But what happens to Kristen? Sources said everyone was worried about how the fans would react if Rob and Kristen got back together, but I think Rob will be embraced totally and completely if he dumps her and the breakup holds. And I do think Kristen’s career will falter, and THAT is why her team has been working overtime to convince us that Robsten is Unbroken. But in all of this (admittedly middle school) discussion, are we missing the extreme component? Will Kristen’s former fans (or Rob’s super-fans) end up physically hurting Kristen? Is that what this “containment” is all about? Is Kristen worried about her safety? It seems like she is – at least according to a new interview:

Twilight star Kristen Stewart has revealed she fears fame might lead to someone killing her. The actress – who was bombarded with hate messages from fans after cheating on boyfriend Robert Pattinson – fears someone will fall victim to a stalker.

She told an interviewer that the rise of social media such as Facebook and Twitter means that it is hard to keep her location a secret.

She said: ‘Nowadays it’s harder because everyone is on Facebook and everyone knows where you are all the time, and everyone’s twittering. Like I’m going to die because somebody is going to say where I am and somebody is going to kill me. Someone’s going to twitter my location and then it’s going to be like, boom. So, I actually think too much of anything can be scary, but at the same time it’s also an opportunity. I mean mass communication is a good thing. It’s actually a really great thing, it’s just scary.’

Stewart, 22, made her comments to writer Talia Soghomonian in a new e-book called Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner — In Their Own Words

The actress was bombarded with hate messages after she admitted cheating on Pattinson with Rupert Sanders, the director of her last film Snow White and the Huntsman. Kristen also discussed the importance of the actor-director relationship in another interview with The Sun:

“I rely really heavily on the director/actor relationship,” the 22-year-old star of the Twilight series of films explained, adding, “If you don’t have a good relationship with an actor you rely on the director. If you don’t have a good relationship with a director, you rely on your actor. I try not to fixate on it because if one little thing is wrong I am like, ‘Leeeeeave the set!’ But that will ruin everything.”

[From The Mail, Fashion & Style]

Just to be clear: no one is condoning violence against Kristen Stewart. But here’s the question: would Twihards really, seriously trying to physically hurt Kristen? I think the answer is “yes, yes they would.” Not ALL Twihards. Not even most. But like any cult or loose organization based on delusion, the Twihard community does encourage and allow for extremism. And I don’t think Kristen is being a total diva by being concerned for her safety.

As for the comments about the “actor-director” relationship. I’m not even sure what she’s talking about. She’s saying that when she gets extra neurotic and twitchy, she expects her director to calm her down? Right? That sounds… realistic. A director should be able to make his actress less twitchy. Hopefully he can keep his pants on while doing so.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
